Did you know that the situations experienced in other lives condition our reality?
Humans live within a learning network commonly referred to as karma. Each individual comes to this plane to learn the lessons they have chosen for their evolution, lessons yet to be overcome within the self. Karma is a natural form of balance in which everything we do is returned to us. In other words, everything we experience is a consequence of our actions, whether we are aware of it or not.
The entire screen that represents our reality is arranged by our inherent predispositions, which are translated into preconditions to live certain types of experiences that will be repeated until the lesson is learned and the predisposition is liberated.
The Energies of Integrity are inspired by the Master Programs used by Robert Detzler in Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) and act on these karmic conditions to reveal, release and transform them to their last consequence.
On the path of evolution of Consciousness, a process of conversion is required to manifest a being in complete integrity, whose actions, thoughts, words, intentions and feelings are directed towards the same direction. There are no more situations. Scenarios and characters disappear.